Sonya Huber – Where I Write

Sonya Huber is an award-winning, writer – she writes essays and memoir. Her book Pain Woman Takes Your Keys won two awards, and her latest, Supremely Tiny Acts, is likely to garner more. It’s a book-length memoir essay whose framework takes place over an anxiety-inducing day, but covers a lifetime of other memories, expertly interwoven as one thought leads to another. It’s written in a vivid and enveloping style that made me feel as though I were accompanying Sonya as she headed into court for being arrested on an Extinction Rebellion demonstration. It’s an exhilarating read. She’s a professor in the English Department at Fairfield University, and I asked her where she likes to write.

I’ve moved my desk around a lot in my house through the pandemic, and I’m currently in a back hallway in my basement, which sounds grim but is lovely. One office was too near my son’s video games, and then when I was really sick with Covid I couldn’t climb stairs so I was in the kitchen, where I could watch the birds at the bird feeder.  When I realized this back hall already had tons of bookshelves and a window and was isolated from the rest of the house, I thought: that’s it!

I need nice lighting, coffee, a high monitor so I don’t hurt my neck, and fountain pens for line editing. I have lots of rocks on and behind my desk, and a photo of my son when he was a baby, and lots of lip balm. Visual art is a refresher for my mind, so I have a daily art calendar. This is where I’m working on a big book project and where I did copy edits for the book that’s out now, Supremely Tiny Acts: A Memoir of a Day,  which is about activism and privilege and parenting and climate change, inspired by one-day novels like Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway. I am working right now on edits for my forthcoming writer’s guide, Voice First: A Writer’s Manifesto, forthcoming in the fall from the University of Nebraska Press. Anyone who’d like to get in touch can find me at, or on Twitter, and Facebook.

Recent Comments

  • Paula Cappa
    January 14, 2022 - 11:15 am · Reply

    Oh, your writing space is terrific. I like the idea of moving your desk around, Sonya. I rearranged my desk on January 1st and it sparked my energies. Something about January, the cold, the emptiness and wide open spaces out the windows has inspired me. Cleaning up the “old” and adding a few new items (pictures, plants, flowers), that ‘reordering’ drew me to sit down and open the manuscript of my 4th novel after not working in it for almost a year. I wrote 25 pages so far this month. I do agree that a writer’s desk, that special space we go into is critical to creativity and determination. And maybe a glass of wine in a really pretty stemmed goblet!

  • Susan Thomsen
    January 22, 2022 - 11:43 am · Reply

    I loved Sonya Huber’s “Supremely Tiny Acts.” Definitely one of my favorite books I read last year. Motherhood, activism, writing–she covers such important topics, all in the space of a day.

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